How every child is educated in the formative years goes on to define the world’s future. This is a big responsibility for a school. And it requires the school to breathe a radically different culture. Adopting Chrysalis ThinkRoom is our first step forward in this direction.
How every child is educated in the formative years goes on to define the world’s future. This is a big responsibility for a school. And it requires the school to breathe a radically different culture. Adopting Chrysalis ThinkRoom is our first step forward in this direction.
The major objectives of NCERT and its constituent units are to: undertake, promote and coordinate research in areas related to school education; prepare and publish model textbooks, supplementary material, newsletters, journals and develops educational kits, multimedia digital materials, etc. organise pre-service and in-service training of teachers; develop and disseminate innovative educational techniques and practices;collaborate and network with state educational departments, universities, NGOs and other educational institutions; act as a clearing house for ideas and information in matters related to school education; and act as a nodal agency for achieving the goals of Universalisation of Elementary Education.
Batch – 1
Batch – 2
Batch – 3
Batch – 4
Batch – 5
The major objectives of NCERT and its constituent units are to: undertake, promote and coordinate research in areas related to school education; prepare and publish model textbooks, supplementary material, newsletters, journals and develops educational kits, multimedia digital materials, etc. organise pre-service and in-service training of teachers; develop and disseminate innovative educational techniques and practices;collaborate and network with state educational departments, universities, NGOs and other educational institutions; act as a clearing house for ideas and information in matters related to school education; and act as a nodal agency for achieving the goals of Universalisation of Elementary Education.